As I want to go to a big Flea Market near where I live in a couple of weeks, I'm looking for inspirations and have found these pictures ...
As I want to go to a big Flea Market near where I live in a couple of weeks, I'm looking for inspirations and have found these pictures ...
Yesterday we went to my parents to have lunch together and look at the work in progress of our new house . The foundations are done, now it...
A great passion of mine is TEA . I love tea: black, green, white and in any moment of the day! With a good cupa in my hand I instantly feel...
I've started blogging one month and a half ago to keep a diary about the construction of my house and all the inspirations I find everyw...
A couples of years ago I've lived for several months in UK, Devonshire to be exact. I was working from Monday to Friday and exploring t...
I've found this really nice on line boutique, Ett hus i vitt . The owner is Annette, a sweet svedish lady who also has a beautiful blog...